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Lymington Hospital Friends
We need your help to improve patient care and wellbeing, above NHS funding.
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(If you are a UK taxpayer, you can donate an extra 25% with Gift Aid at no cost to you)
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Latest News
Lockdown ‘multicoloured Mike’
Blue, green and all the colours of the rainbow Mike Finch smashes his target to raise [...]
Lockdown Fundraising .. Chef’s NHS Special
Thanks to Sam Hughes, masterchef and owner of La Perle Lymington, and to all their customers [...]
Lymington NHS Heroes
Please donate today to support patients and staff during the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis. We need your [...]
“You are amazing … thank you”
Tuesday 12th May 2020 is Florence Nightingale’s bicentennial ... and a good excuse for cake and [...]
Surprise Royal VE Day visit for patients and staff
Being in hospital did not mean that patients missed the VE Day celebrations on Friday 8th [...]
Thank you for staying at home
Well done everyone who is staying at home .. please help us to care for patients [...]
COVID Appeal
Please donate to support our COVID-19 Appeal today Click on poster to enlarge .. Help us [...]
Thank you for clapping .. please help by text too!
Please help us support our fantastic staff Our hospital staff were bowled over by the tremendous [...]