Surprise Royal VE Day visit for patients and staff
Being in hospital did not mean that patients missed the VE Day celebrations on Friday 8th May and a very special Royal guest visited patients [...]
Thank you for staying at home
Well done everyone who is staying at home .. please help us to care for patients and staff by text or donate today ... THANK [...]
COVID Appeal
Please donate to support our COVID-19 Appeal today Click on poster to enlarge .. Help us by donating online to provide ... practical support for [...]
Thank you for clapping .. please help by text too!
Please help us support our fantastic staff Our hospital staff were bowled over by the tremendous expression of support from thousands of people all over [...]
“Please stay at home .. thank you“
Our radiology team have a message for you ”Well done Team” click on photo to get the message front row - Yasmin Lisa Clare Karen [...]
Volunteer Services and Donations
In light of the stringent new restrictions imposed by the Government to stop all non essential contact with others we have made the decision (jointly [...]
Coronavirus information
If you think you may have coronavirus ... Please do not come to the hospital. See advice from NHS England/Public Health England ... click to [...]
Thank you Boldre WI donate £350
Fantastic work ladies ... we had the great team from Boldre WI visit the hospital today to hand over a ‘big cheque’ for £350. Boldre [...]
Dawn’s knitted Friends make us smile and raise lots of money too!
Dawn Hadley is one our our friendly receptionists, helping people find their way to appointments. Knitting for you Her colourful happy bunch of knitted friends [...]
“You can make a difference” by fundraising
We need your help to raise money to improve care and comfort for patients at your local hospital. Take a look at our Fundraising page [...]
Share your birthday with us!
Shop and Café Volunteer, Dorothy Bishop, recently celebrated a significant birthdate with her family and friends at South Lawn Hotel, Milford on Sea. A generous [...]
Developing the role of Ward Friends
Supporting patients and staff on the wards is a vital part of the work carried out by our Ward Friends ... they help in a [...]
Santa’s little helpers – deliver Christmas cheer
On Christmas Eve, four smashing grandchildren Jenny, Penelope, Ben & Hannah plus Cheddar (the labrador) dashed around the wards to give Christmas parcels to all [...]
Grand draw raises over £6,500 .. what a result!
Well done everyone - thanks to all the fantastic work by volunteers, staff, trustees, friends and local businesses, the Raffle raised an incredible £6,500 - [...]
We’re making new friends in 2020
Please join us ... Our community of friends help us by sharing information, helping with fundraising and with donations to support the amazing work of [...]