Brokenhurst Manor’s golfers ace £15,000
Court Lodge year of fundraising

Extra help for Lymington Stroke Patients

These classes are being run by Deerleap Ward’s Community Stroke Team at Lymington Leisure Centre every Tuesday from 11:30am to 12:30pm.

The Friends funded the first year, after a Dragon’s Den presentation by two of Deerleap’s stroke therapists, and we joined in with a class earlier this month.

Patients enjoy working as a group to build their balance, strength and mobility by working round a set of carefully chosen exercises.

We could see the valuable benefit to patients and agreed to support this programme for a second year, by matching the £750 raised by Amy Marshall (class leader) and Kim Disney (physio) from their Bournemouth Half Marathon.

If you have been a recent patient on Deerleap Ward, contact them to find out more about Stroke Classes

Brokenhurst Manor’s golfers ace £15,000
Court Lodge year of fundraising