Mason’s cake and plant stall fundraiser for Lymington Hospital

Iain Hayter presents cheque to Arthur England, supported by Chris Lockwood and Leon Whitfield
At their ‘open day’ for Masons and their wives on Saturday 24 July, a cheque for £270 was presented by the Chairman of Brockenhurst Masonic Centre Iain Hayter, to Arthur England (Joint Chair of Lymington Hospital Friends).
Chris Lockwood and Leon Whitfield from Hampshire and IOW Freemasons were on hand to add their support.
The presentation followed a brief talk by Arthur about the work of the Friends and provided an opportunity for him to meet some of the Masons from the wider New Forest Area.
Iain explained:
“The Brockenhurst Masonic Centre are very pleased to be able raise funds to show our appreciation for the valuable local service provided by the hospital.To say thank you, we ran a cake and plant stall at the Brockenhurst centre on ‘NHS Social Care & Frontline Workers Day’ on 5th July. We are delighted to support Lymington Hospital Friends and make this presentation.”
Arthur thanked Iain for the donation:
“The Friends value the donations we receive from the Hampshire and IOW Freemasons helping us to support Lymington Hospital staff to enhance care for their patients … Thank you.It’s really good to have the chance to talk to a meeting of the Brockenhurst Masonic centre, to describe some of our current and future projects and invite them to become Hospital Friends.”